Monday, January 24, 2011

10 world's dirtiest cities

This is where urban life. Every day people pour into the street with tons of different kinds of waste and then live with them. However, the city does not waste as well as dirty.

Here is the city that if the people who like the clean, no one dared set foot.

1. Mumbai, India

Say that Mumbai is the capital of garbage nor unreasonable. All public transport, from rail to motor roads are overloaded. This capital is not the big problem but underground sewers and climate conditions make the capital where the country's second most populous third world to become the city topped the list.

2. Cuidad Juarez, Mexico

The majority of Mexico's situation is not that bad environment. Although the countries of the world's No. 3, but the people of Mexico are the people who like to clean. However, they are having trouble with sanctifying problem of drug crime in the city are making some attention. Cuidad Juarez is one of the cities most attention, because the crime here. Crime of course hardly interested in information collection or sewerage off. The irony is they still daily driving flashy cars are traveling in the city.

3. Pittsburgh, USA

It's hard to imagine in America has a place like this. However, this is completely true. Pittsburgh is home to the most polluted country. This is not the taste of the players drinking too much alcohol after a victory that was the smell of smoke and gases. Before that, Pittsburgh is the region have safe levels of particulates in the air, No. 2 nationwide, but only after a short time, the level of dust pollution in the air has led the United States. The cause is partly due to the car too much, partly because gas is almost the only energy source. This was not the steel industry here.

4. Norlisk, Russia

When industries are mainly metal mining, the pollution becomes almost unavoidable. However, in Norlisk pollution is becoming worse. Each year, the mining plant emissions into the air where 4 million tons of dust, metals, including cadmium and arsenic. Air pollution to levels where the plants will not survive.

5. Linfen, China

The Chinese community is the world's attention because in addition to money they did not care about anything else. So when the government confirmed Linfen is a landfill, you should know that the severity of it to what extent. The majority of people in China use coal as fuel and most of the rock bars are derived from Linfen. The people constantly Linfen coal mining, coal burning has caused air pollution here is extremely serious.

6. Los Angeles, USA

Add an American city in the list. If the Pittsburgh air polluted by dust in the air exceeded safety in Los Angeles, the stench of garbage extremely serious. If this stench flew up into the ozone layer, people here may have been due, however, they still prowled about the city making the lungs of the people of Los Angeles is serious injury.

7. La Oroya, Peru

Lead is a metal that can be useful for humans. Of course, it can help us prevent radiation. however, you might not want to see the metal outside the dental clinic. That would be a disappointment when you go to La Oroya. Major industry in this city as lead mining and training. Since 1992, this industry has started to develop here that from the air, ground water will lead to severe. The children where 99% must be checked for lead three times in the body.

8. Mexico

What makes Mexico City's pollution is not a factory or by the plan which is due to geographical conditions. People crowded the car east, more emissions. However, because Mexico is built on a valley above 2400 meters sea level. This also means thinner air here, winds. It is this which makes any emissions in the city remains in the sky of the city, not to be displaced.

9. Pernik, Bulgaria

First to say, the whole Bulgaria is faced with serious air pollution. In this place we burn coal to heat through the winter. The vast majority of cars are older models produced by the former Soviet Union. Thus, Bulgaria's hard to escape the title of world's most polluted. In Pernik as such. If dark smoke is not full of sugar it is the metallurgical industry emissions. In such a stifling environment, and seminars that people here like to drink alcohol.

10. Vapi, India

Vapi is a center of industry is developing very fast in India. However, the main industry here is the chemical industry. Therefore, from water to land where the air is polluted, that you dare not breathe, eat or drink anything. In the city so densely populated. Vapi may also not have problems with drainage problems such as Mumbai. At least hope so.

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